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Equipment for filming and climbing

Throughout 2023 I researched relentlessly how photographers and filmmakers were filming climbing from the wall. What equipment, ropes, cameras they were using, what back up systems and how they were attaching their camera to themselves so they didn't drop it...

Now, in early 2024, I believe I have a good set of equipment for it...minus the anchor system as that's the next project with the help of trusted people.

Here is most of the climbing equipment that I have accumulated. Some of the key differences that I have over regular climbing is having a static rope and the ASAP. The ASAP has been brilliant to attach to my safety rope allowing me to have it glide up and down but catch me if my main rope failed for whatever reason.

I also have the grigri and Petzl ascender so that I'm able to travel up and down the rope with safety and ease. These then come in handy for when I want to hold in a position and use my camera.

One of the hardest things for me to work out was how to attach the camera to myself. In the end I ran with some strapping and a shoulder pad with a Kong Frog loop carabiner to easily connect and disconnect from the camera. I then rapped some cord around the handle with a stainless steel triangle to give the Frog loop something to attach too. I also had some bungee cords for two extra redundancies.

Some extra little items to make the filming and climbing process easier were walkie talkies to communicate from the top to the bottom. A pulley to make ascending with the grigri easier and a headlamp for find our way out when the night rolls in fast during these winter months!

Hopefully, now that I have all this equipment, I can get on the wall filming more often as well as filming other projects where rope access is required. I am not an expert yet but as I work with more climbing professional and they show em the ropes of anchoring and maybe even a course or two, I should be able to scurry up and down the ropes filming with confidence.

The main thing though, it's a lot of fun filming and I look forward to doing more, even if the heights while climbing can feel a little daunting to start with!

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